Mason County Michigan

Drain Commissioner


102 East Fifth Street
Scottville, Michigan 49454
Phone # - 231-757-9366


Hours: Monday thru Friday
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - Click Here

Staff: Dan Rohde, Mason County Drain Commissioner

Rob Allard, Chief Deputy/Soil Erosion Administrator

Eric Buter, Drain Maintenance Technician

The Mason County Drain Commission is responsible for the care and maintenance of over 130 miles of established drains.  Maintenance on existing county drains is funded by special assessments on properties that benefit along with municipal contributions.

If you are experiencing a drainage issue, please access our Drainage District Map, using the link supplied below, to see if the land in question lies within or close to an existing drain.  If this is the case please reference the name of the drain when contacting this office with concerns.

New drains can be established, following one of several processes as found in the Michigan Drain Code (PA40 of 1956 with Amendments).  Because of the complexities of the Act, it is recommended to schedule an appointment with the Drain office to review your particular drainage issue. 

This office is also the administrator of the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program, Part 91, as established by the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA451, as Amended. This act is designed to keep the soils and sedimentation of the State of Michigan from being deposited into Michigan's lakes and streams. Permits are required for earthwork within 500 feet of a lake or stream and/or for projects exceeding 1 acre in size.   See SESC Tab for related documents.  

2021 Special Assessment Summary

Contractor Pre-Qualification Policy

Contractor Pre-Qualification Application

Pre-Qualified Contractor List

MDEQ State and Federal Wetland Regulations

Michigan Laws Administered by DEQ WRD

Drainage District Map